Thursday, January 28, 2010

Antim Dham_Cremation

In Hindu religion, the corpse is cremated by burning them on funeral pyre (Wood heaped for burning a dead body as a funeral rite). This practice is prevailing since centuries along with the religious rituals and beliefs. There are several places/grounds particularly for cremation and it takes around 300-400kg of wood to burn the corpse. This tradition or practice needs to be stopped in the view of the environment degradation and deforestation. The Govt. came out with an eco-friendly solution known as - ELECTRIC CREMATOR, but it is been rarely used by the people, because of their religious beliefs do not allow them to follow so. There are many harmful effects of cremating the corpse, as they are burnt in the open area and there is no way to control the gases released from the burning corpse.

Because of wrong notions about the electric furnace people do not want to use it. They are deprived of performing the traditional rituals and also the current scenario of electric furnaces in India is horrifying. It is a very mechanical and unemotional process to witness. Hence people cannot connect to it keeping having a religious picture back in their mind. Also the family or loved ones of the deceased would want him to be treated with love and respect instead of just executing him in a monstrous looking electric room.
Now looking at the entire picture we have tried to inculcate some of the elements of the traditional open air cremation ceremony in the electrical cremation process. We believe that in order to reduce pollution and deforestation in this case electric furnaces are needed to be used but in a slight traditional way so that the general crowd does not hesitate to use it. It should be made more inviting and religious looking which should not only pertain to one religion but have a common identity or symbol of god or peace.
For redesigning we using elements like whole furnace to be shifted to the open air, pseudo wooden structure for placing the body on, traditional necessary rituals can be performed, lighting the fire by hand so that there is a presence of natural fire and the entire set should look more familiar and less mechanized.
We call this system of cremation as the OPEN ELECTRIC CREMATION SYSTEM which is a hybrid of the existing systems.
Need to encourage by Government
Since countless years, it is the custom to burn the cadaver and it has become an acceptable practice. It not cakes walk to change the old customs and make the new one acceptable. Definitely, people don’t accept the new customs readily. Governmental efforts are always needed to guide and make the people aware about the use of electric cremation CNG based cremation.
Wood fire should be banned for cremation of bodies
A visit to Nigam Bodh in Delhi, near Yamuna River, shows the environment hazard created by open burning of dead bodies. The bodies should be burnt in close chambers with tall chimney. It is better if government can ban use of wood for cremation with support from religious heads. CNG and electric based cremation is safer, less pollutant, cheaper and clean system.
By: Sushil Mate

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